
Jewelry Committee of the China Chamber of Commerce was established jewelry


11 National People's Congress meeting in Beijing, the China Chamber of Commerce Jewelry Committee officially announced the establishment. From the leadership of the SASAC, the National Development and Reform Commission and other national government agencies, as well as 100 representatives from the cross-strait jewelry industry attended the inaugural meeting. Assembly elected by a vote of the first session of the governing bodies of the China Chamber of Commerce Jewelry Committee, the industry's well-known entrepreneurs from both sides of the Strait, experts Magnificent Butcher, Richard Wong, Cheng Chung Hing, TSL, Linlin Chang, Lui Ming? Was elected honorary president, Assembly elections Tianyuan Lan (vice president of the China Chamber of Commerce), the president elections He Naihua executive president, often Yunxiang as Secretary-General.

in the inaugural meeting of the concerned State Government officials, Tianyuan Lan president the He Naihua executive president, industry representatives and guests gave a warm speech. With warm applause, the General Assembly unanimously adopted a report on the work of the Committee of the China Chamber of Commerce of jewelery and related matters.

Chinese the Business Federation jewelry Committee is approved by the State-owned Assets Management Committee, incorporated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, national and trans-regional, cross-sectoral, cross-sectoral, cross-ownership of a high-level business associations by formed voluntarily engaged in jewelery production, operations, research, teaching, identification, evaluation, maintenance, service businesses, organizations and individuals.

due to the well-known historical reasons, mainland China's jewelry industry had been subjected to Century thanks to the great man's reform and opening up policy, open the gold jewelry market in the mid-eighties of the last century. Since then, China's jewelry industry is rapidly explosive development in recent years, the output value exceeded 100 billion yuan, and the annual growth rate of more than two digits, much higher than the increase of the gross national product. It can be said that the jewelry has become an indispensable part of China's economic growth.

This year is the start of the year of the implementation of the Pointed out that in the 11th Five-Year Plan The jewelry has always been, jewelry of different materials, metal and other materials, features innovative processing portfolio, and made a charming art. The jewelry industry is a new era of cultural and creative industries. Today we are introducing the concept, is given new meaning to the traditional jewelry, old industry. Sustained and rapid development of the countries on the importance of cultural and creative industries, and promote the cause of jewelry he gave us, and to provide policy support and market development space.

the 2005 China's per capita GDP reached 1,700 U.S. dollars. Development experience and by foreign law, per capita GDP of more than $ 1,000, and economic development will enter a new stage of social consumption structure will be the development and enjoyment, spiritual and cultural needs of Upgrading. Increasingly rich material life, driven by the quality improvement of the people's cultural spirit. Jewelry old WangXieTang Former Yan,

view of the jewelry industry from a long-term Today, the high-level organization of the industry of the China Chamber of Commerce Jewelry Committee came into being, the inevitable outcome of this is in accord with the trend of the times and the development of the industry. The Commission will make full use of the China Chamber of Commerce and other government departments and industry organizations, effective resources, give full play to the functions of the Committee of jewelry given to serve its members, services for the industry.

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